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Chúc Các Bạn Vui Vẻ Battle Harvest v1.01 Big_smile
Battle Harvest v1.01 Doctha10 Admin

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Chào mừng Khách viếng thăm đến với Teen -[9X]- , nơi giao lưu, tán gẫu của giới trẻ 9X Very Happy Để tham gia, bạn vui lòng đăng kí làm member

Chúc Các Bạn Vui Vẻ Battle Harvest v1.01 Big_smile
Battle Harvest v1.01 Doctha10 Admin
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Battle Harvest v1.01

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Battle Harvest v1.01 Empty Battle Harvest v1.01

Bài gửi by Sói Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:07 pm

Battle Harvest v1.01
Requirements: Android 2.2 and up
Overview: Rally your troops and save the land of Orchardia in Battle Harvest!

Battle Harvest v1.01 ?dm=CMYK Battle Harvest v1.01 ?dm=KMF1

You are Squire Mac, a courageous young citizen of Orchardia, where fresh fruits and vegetables live happy, carefree lives. Now, a dark threat looms over the peaceful land: the underground-dwelling Wormwits have awoken Nephridus, an ancient malevolent spirit bent on turning all of Orchardia's citizens into Rotlings, evil (and smelly) rotten fruit. Freed from his amber prison, he has vowed to destroy the Tree of Harmony and all of Orchardia.

Heed the call to war! Rally your fellow citizens in Bad Apples: Battle Harvest, bringing brigades of fruits and vegetables together by matching three or more. Make enough good matches and summon mighty Heroes with powerful special moves to change the tide of battle. Beat back the rising onslaught of Wormwits across three beautifully illustrated realms of Orchardia and stop the return of Nephridus on your quest for glory!

With an epic story, a colorful cast of heroes and villains and three different modes of gameplay, Bad Apples: Battle Harvest puts the fate of Orchardia in your hands. Liberate the realms of Orchardia in Story Mode, take on a never-ending assault of enemies in Invasion Mode and solve strategic combination puzzles in Recruit Mode! Will you defeat the Wormwits and save your homeland, or will Nephridus and his squirmy minions succeed? The future is rotten without your help!

More Info:

Download Instructions:

Battle Harvest v1.01 Admin_10

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Trình Duyệt Ưa Thích : google chrome
Status text : Nghỉ hè rồi, Sói Mập tỉnh giấc sau đợt ngủ đông
Status : amused
Tổng số bài gửi : 126
Money $$ : 464221
Thanked : 60
Join date : 24/11/2011
Age : 28


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